(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org
In-Person, Outdoor Service Update – Oct 4,2020

In-Person, Outdoor Service Update – Oct 4,2020

OUTDOOR SERVICE INFORMATION FOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 and Looking Ahead:THE LORD’S SUPPER:In the month of October we will celebrate Holy Communion on Oct. 4, 11, and 25.We learned some things last Sunday that should help us to efficiently and still safely get the...
In-Person Outdoor Worship Announcement

In-Person Outdoor Worship Announcement

In-Person. Outdoor Worship Has Begun at Messiah Lutheran Church Members and friends, MLC will conduct an in-person, live, outdoor service of worship starting Sunday, September 20 at 8:30 a.m. in the parking lot of MLC. The pre-recorded service will continue to be...