(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

Messiah’s Comforter’s Group will conduct their annual November fundraising event but with an important and significant change. This year’s event is a Quilt Sale — not a quilt auction, so it’s important for anyone interested in purchasing a specific quilt or item in the catalog to know how they can purchase a quilt.

  1. Purchase in Person at the November 2 German Food Fest, Sunday Mornings, or during Church Office Hours which are Monday to Friday, 8:30 to Noon. The quilts are displayed in MLC’s Fellowship Hall.
  2. Purchase via the Comforters Online E-Commerce Site https://messiah-lutheran-church.square.site/
  3. Please note that at this time, all purchased quilts need to be picked up in person following purchase.

As always there are quilts of all sizes, colors, themes, and quilting techniques, and price points. Proceeds from these quilts support Messiah’s Comforter ministry. Each year we make quilts to supply comfort in times of famine, war, poverty, and disaster both in the U.S. and around the world through Lutheran World Relief.

In August of 2024, Messiah blessed into service 122 handmade quilts for Lutheran World Relief.

Messiah’s Comforters piece and finish the simple colorful quilts year-round. The quilts are designed for use — as soft floor coverings of a refugee’s tent for warmth; shelter from the sun; or to stow personal belongings into a bundle for transport.

The Comforters group meets Tuesday mornings from August to May to cut, piece and assemble the quilts. They use donated fabric and supplies purchased from dedicated offerings and fundraisers.  

2024 Quilt Blessing Sunday Picture