Signup Genius

All volunteer needs are listed in our Signup Genius account.
Member Portal

Log in to our secure portal to access member-only information.
Online Giving

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."
1 Peter 4:20
Giving and Stewardship Stewardship is more than annual pledge drives to keep the church operational.
We are called to be good stewards of all these gifts, investing them wisely and generously for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
1 Peter 4:20
Giving and Stewardship Stewardship is more than annual pledge drives to keep the church operational.
We are called to be good stewards of all these gifts, investing them wisely and generously for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
Youth Volunteers

All Messiah Lutheran Church staff and volunteers who have regular contact with minor children attending Messiah ministries are required to complete the Youth Volunteer Agreement and complete a background check.
Please complete this form, which includes agreement with the MLC Standards for Youth Activities. A background check will be initiated after you complete this form.
Please complete this form, which includes agreement with the MLC Standards for Youth Activities. A background check will be initiated after you complete this form.
Facility Requests

Complete this online form if you would like to request use of the building for any non-church event, including:

Getting married is one of the most important decisions in your lives. Your desire to have a church wedding indicates that you see your marriage as a commitment made before God, with emphasis on the Christ-centered character of the wedding service.

A columbarium is a place where people’s cremated remains are kept.
The ashes reposed in the walls of the Columbarium are commended to the glory of God and a reminder to all that we one day will experience the Resurrection.
The ashes reposed in the walls of the Columbarium are commended to the glory of God and a reminder to all that we one day will experience the Resurrection.