If you are an individual seeking direct assistance, please call 211 or visit 211 Connects Alabama.
God’s People, Reaching Out
Kit Ministry

Kit Ministry makes personal care kits, school kits, and baby layette kits for distribution by Lutheran World Relief (LWR) to people coping with poverty, disaster, and conflict around the world.
Comforters sew or crochet quilts, lap robes, and prayer shawls to bring comfort to those in need.
Quilts are distributed through Lutheran World Relief, and can be used as warm bedding, simple tents, or floor coverings.
Lap robes and prayer shawls are distributed locally to anyone in need.
Each one reflects God's loving presence in a world rife with suffering.
Can’t sew or crochet? Come and learn from the group!
Quilts are distributed through Lutheran World Relief, and can be used as warm bedding, simple tents, or floor coverings.
Lap robes and prayer shawls are distributed locally to anyone in need.
Each one reflects God's loving presence in a world rife with suffering.
Can’t sew or crochet? Come and learn from the group!
Mission Crafters

Mission crafters lend their time and talents to create items for sale at Messiah’s annual Handmade Market, which supports the Lunches for Learning program.
No prior crafting experience necessary.
Mission Crafters will teach you!
No prior crafting experience necessary.
Mission Crafters will teach you!
Stephen Ministries

Stephen Ministers offer Christ-centered care for members of our congregation and community facing crisis. They are trained caregivers carefully chosen to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our own community of believers, freeing our rostered staff to address the many other responsibilities in sharing the Gospel and building our Faith Formation.
Weekend Food Program

The Weekend Food Program is a partnership with the Food Bank of North Alabama to provide food for students in need to take home over the weekend. Serves students at Liberty Middle School, Monrovia Middle School, and Morris P-8.
Messiah’s Ribbons of Courage

A loving team of cancer survivors provides support to members facing a cancer diagnosis, including visits, meals, childcare, emotional support, etc.
Serving the Community
Messiah Lutheran Church partners with other social service organizations and nonprofits, including: