Wow! It feels like forever since we have had worship indoors and now its time to return! Only if you are comfortable of course. You can find some general information about the return to indoor worship on Pentecost here
We also wanted to give you some information about what it will look like to return with children. Any child above the age of 2 will be asked to wear a mask. Masks will be required anywhere in the building. If children will be in the sanctuary they will need to wear a surgical mask, and child size masks will be provided by the church. Children over 2 who use the nursery (Up to age 4) will also need to wear a mask, but they are welcome to use their cloth masks if you wish.
On that note, we will have both Nursery care and Children’s Church provided for indoor worship. Nursery includes children from 0-4 and Children’s Church will include children from PreK-2nd Grade. Children’s church will take place in the Fellowship hall and a volunteer or staff member will collect and return children to both the Sanctuary or the overflow space in the Parish Hall.
Busy bags will not be provided currently, but we do encourage you to bring your own busy bags! Vicar Sara has made a variety of bags for kids throughout the last year, from favorites bags to Easter bags, and if your child has not yet received a personalized bag and you would like one, please let Vicar Sara know by emailing her at Ideas for what to pack in a busy bag include, soft toys, fidget toys, small books, coloring supplies, or anything quiet to keep little hands busy while they worship and learn with us! One suggestion might be to get special toys for the busy bag that stay in the bag till the next Sunday, or to rotate what goes in the bag so its a little different each week. Clipboards with children’s bulletins and coloring supplies will still be provided in baskets outside the sanctuary on the pews. They won’t be split into age ranges for right now, so they are for any child who would like to engage on paper!
We are looking forward to having your little ones with us in person again, and we can’t wait to see those smiling eyes! Feel free to contact the office or Vicar Sara if you have any questions about our youngest members returning to worship!