Church Facilities Usage Requests
Please review the Facilities Usage Policy (Updated August 10, 2023) for important details prior to submitting a Usage Request Form. Approval of facility usage requests by members or non-members for non church related functions are at the discretion of MLC’s Congregation Council. Fundraiser requests by any group require Council approval.
You can check for available dates on our facility calendar here.
For church related events, ministry leaders should contact the church office at (256) 721-0041 to schedule group meetings, events or rehearsals.
Unless it is a fundraiser, ministry leaders and council representatives do not need Council Approval for church ministry events, though they do need keep the Council Representative informed of activities and follow all facility usage policies, including completing the Cleaning Checklist at the conclusion of the event.
Computer and Internet Use and Security Agreement This Agreement should be signed prior to using any computer equipment or networks owned or connected to Messiah’s system. This includes members and non-members alike.
All users are required to read the current Computer and Internet Policy prior to signing this agreement and obtaining access to wi-fi.
MLC Property Check-out Form (Members Only) Messiah members may complete this form and submit it to the church office or council representative (relevant to what is being borrowed) in advance of wishing to borrow an item from the church.
Please call the church office at (256) 721-0041 during regular business hours with any questions you have concerning a facility request.