Information for Guests & Friends
As "God's People, Reaching Out" we welcome all at Messiah Lutheran Church!WORSHIP SERVICES
Sunday Services of Worship
at 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.*
Sunday School for All Ages - 9:45 a.m.
*Worship is livestreamed on mlutheran.or
Hearing Assist Devices Available
Attended Nursery Available
Pastor Kris Schroeder
(256) 721-0041 |
Office Hours: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - Noon
An ELCA Affiliated Congregation
Established 1990
It’s great that you are here!
This website provides only a glimpse of what the worshiping community of faith at Messiah is like. It is constantly evolving, improving and responding to meet the spiritual aims of its members, the pressing needs of our community, and the many ways we respond to suffering and injustice in our modern, yet connected world.
The Church is defined as people gathered around God’s Word and Sacraments. So naturally, worship is central to Messiah. Hearing God’s Word and celebrating our Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Messiah is a community-facing congregation. What does that mean? Messiah often attracts members who enjoy engaging their gifts of time, talent, and resources in outreach initiatives that benefit others. Learn more about our ministries and missions here.
I encourage you to take time to get to know the people of Messiah. As you get to know us, I think you will discover …
There are caring people here. We are called to be God’s people reaching out. The people of Messiah share their joys and burdens. We like being together.
People here have a future. The promises of our Lord keep the people of Messiah looking forward.
People here are gifted, each in their own way. That is the way God makes us.
We are welcoming people. Our lives have been enriched by friendships developed through
With a gracious God and a vibrant community of faith, it is a joy to be pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church. I am confident there is a place for you here. Come and see. Worship and grow with Messiah.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Kris Schroeder
Attending Worship
Sunday Services of Worship take place at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Services run about an hour, a few minutes longer when there is Communion.Our 11:00 a.m. Services of Worship are livestreamed every Sunday on MLC’s YouTube Channel.
The Order of Worship and Liturgy used varies week to week. They alternate between traditional settings from The Lutheran Book of Worship and the With One Voice hymnal, to more modern liturgies such as the Chicago Folk Service, and Now Feast & Celebration, in our worship liturgy. A contemporary worship service is offered monthly on the third Sunday, late service. The Order of Worship scheduled is posted in our monthly “Messiah Messenger” newsletter, announced in our bi-weekly e-news and also on our online calendar.
If you or a family member have physical or dietary limitations, please speak to an usher before the start of service.
- Sacraments can be brought to individuals in their pew if they are unable to approach the communion rail during the Lord’s Supper.
- Gluten-free wafers and wine alternatives are available upon request.
- Audio assist devices are available at the Welcome Center Desk. These devices can be used with, or without, existing hearing aids.
The Lord’s Supper
All baptized Christians who believe in the real presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper are invited and encouraged to receive this precious gift. At the direction of the ushers, come forward down the center aisles. Those unable to kneel may stand. After you have received the elements, return to your seat down the side aisles. The Lord’s Supper is offered weekly and alternates between our early and late services.
Please leave us a record of your visit.
During worship, complete the short visitor section of the bulletin insert, and place it in the offering plate. The yellow, “Connection Cards” located in the pews serve the same purpose. You may also sign the black fellowship pad and sign our guestbook in the Narthex. Regardless if you are in town passing through, here visiting friends or family or on an extended business stay, or actively church shopping, please fill one out so that we can know just a little bit about you.
Bring the kids!
At your option, we have a professionally staffed nursery (ages 0 – 4) and offer a Children’s Church (4 – 8) activity during each service. There are also children’s worship activity bags near the Welcome Desk filled with an assortment of quiet activities for youngsters to enjoy. A weekly children’s bulletin also gives youngsters lectionary-based readings and quiet activities to do during worship.
Sunday School is open to guests of all ages, too! You’ll find a Sunday School directory directly above our guestbook podium in the Narthex. You can also learn more by visiting our Education page. Nursery care is also provided during the Sunday School hour for infants whose parents are attending an adult Sunday School class.
Interested in joining Messiah?
Here are a few first steps to take if you think Messiah Lutheran church may be your new church family:
- Pick up a welcome pamphlet at the Narthex Welcome Center
- Leave a record of your visit in the offering plate during Worship. Be sure to include contact information.
- Grab any of the resource publications (outside wall of Narthex) on Lutheranism, Baptism, etc.
- Speak to Pastor Bottin, Claire Strand or call the church office at (256) 721-0041.
Messiah is a welcoming, open church, ready and eager to receive you as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus — so don’t hesitate to communicate your interest in worshiping at Messiah.
Pastor Bottin and Claire Strand can answer any specific questions you might have and help guide you through the process of joining if that’s what you decide to do.
Do I have to take classes or “convert” to join?
Not at all. Regardless of your background, where you came from, or how you were raised, if God is calling you to Messiah Lutheran, come! It is encouraged that new members attend an orientation session so that you are prepared for the Affirmation of Baptism that takes place when you join.
Messiah periodically offers Sunday School classes and Bible Studies on Lutheran theology. These are particularly helpful for members who come from different Christian backgrounds, offering a deeper examination of the theology, Martin Luther, and the Lutheran doctrine that connects and defines us as a Christian faith.
Other questions? email
Life Passages
Madison, AL 35758