Life Passages Information Page

Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism is a gift from God by which we are given eternal promises and entrance into our Lord’s Church. If you are interested in Baptism for yourself or your child, please talk to the pastor or call the church office.

First Communion
First Communion classes are offered for youth Age 7 years of age or older (or close). If you are interested in First Communion classes for yourself or your child, please talk to the Pastor or call the Church Office at (256) 721-0041.

At Messiah, we conduct a two-year confirmation program for eighth and ninth grade students. Confirmation at Messiah is about faith formation, not simply faith information. We focus on being the church, not teaching about the church. Our program includes learning events, fellowship events, service events, and participating in worship services.
If you are interested in Confirmation classes for yourself or your child, please talk to the pastor or call the Church Office at 721-0041.

Sacrament of Marriage
Getting married is one of the most important decisions in your lives. Your desire to have a church wedding indicates that you see your marriage as a commitment made before God, with emphasis on the Christ-centered character of the wedding service. While there is room for flexibility in a church wedding, MLC follows guidelines which are meant to make planning easier and more enjoyable. If you are interested in a Wedding for yourself or your child, please call the Church Office at 721-0041 for the most up-to-date Wedding Guidelines.

Funerals at Messiah Lutheran Church
End of life planning is a wonderful gift you leave your loved ones. MLC periodically will conduct workshops to assist in understanding the various options available. It is important that MLC members and loved ones speak with the pastor concerning their arrangements as well in advance as possible and to understand the Funeral Guidelines of Messiah Lutheran Church. Call the church office to request a copy.

Messiah's Columbarium
A columbarium is a place where people’s cremated remains are kept. The purpose of our columbarium is to maintain a member’s or member family’s remains in a perpetual and religious setting. The church has long been involved at the time of death providing emotional support, conducting funeral or memorial services, and providing a place to put the body. Some churches have a cemetery on the property. Messiah Lutheran Church provides a columbarium for people who prefer cremation.
Please visit the Columbarium Information Page for complete details.