What We Believe
Our beliefs…
We believe in God the Father who created us and all that exists. We believe in Jesus the Messiah: God who came to earth overcoming sin and death. He is our Lord and Savior. We believe in God, the Holy Spirit, who gives the gift of faith and is constantly at work in the world today.
We believe God is revealed most clearly in the actions and words of Jesus of Nazareth. He died for our sins and arose from death to assure us of abundant and eternal life with God and all God’s children.
We believe the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the written Word of God. Inspired by God’s Spirit, the Bible records and announces God’s revelation centering in Jesus Christ. God’s Word and Spirit speaks to us creating and sustaining the Christian faith for service in the world.
We believe we are ‘God’s People, Reaching Out’ to share the Good News and the gifts our Lord has entrusted to us. We like our Lutheran emphasis on God’s grace and mercy. We also like not being alone as Christians. We rejoice in the faith and hope we share with Christian sisters and brothers near and far.
Worship FAQs
Expand each section to explore in greater detail a few frequently asked questions about worshiping at Messiah.
May I Take Communion at Messiah Lutheran Church?
The Lord’s Supper
All baptized Christians who believe in the real presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper are invited and encouraged to receive this precious gift.
If you have dietary restrictions and wish to receive gluten or alcohol-free elements, speak to an Usher or Altar Guild assistant before the start of the service.
Communion at Messiah is voluntary, continuous and served at the communion railing. Guests not communing may remain in their seats. If you wish to participate, but not receive elements, keep your hands to your side when the elements pass in front of you.
Ushers will prompt each row when it’s time to approach the front via the center aisle.
Where do you go next?
On your side of the sanctuary, move to the farthest right side position of the communion rail. People who follow you should end up on your left (see illustration, below).
After you have received the sacraments, and when you are ready, return to your pew via the outside aisles on your side of the church.
It’s pretty common that newer folks or guests get a bit mixed up. We roll with it, and so should you!
What do Ushers Do?
- They will hand you a bulletin and any special worship liturgies/worship books needed for that service and collect materials after the service concludes.
- They can provide audio listening devices for those who are hard of hearing and assist those with physical limitations in finding a seat and arranging for the sacraments of the Lord Supper to be served to them if necessary.
- Will prompt you when it’s your pew’s time to approach the communion rail for the Lord’s Supper.
- They can assist in the case of an emergency or illness which occurs during the service.
Which Hymnal Do I use?
The hymn, setting or worship liturgy is always listed at the top of the Sunday service bulletin booklet.
You may choose to use the worship bulletin booklet or the actual hymnals in pews.
Large print editions of the booklet are availab.e
- The Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW in the bulletin) is dark green and boo hard-bound.
- The blue, soft-bound, “With One Voice” (WOV) worship book is also used.
- While a majority of the Worship readings are printed in the bulletin, Bibles are also found in the pews.
- When other services are used, the ushers will hand out the worship booklets or folios.
Nifty Tip! Many find it helpful to know that the Orders for Worship are found in the front of a hymnal, with page numbers at the bottom of the page, and that hymns are located in the back of the hymnals with numbers printed on the top of the page.
- Verbal guidance is given whenever sections of the liturgy or verses of hymns are omitted.
How do I make a financial gift to Messiah?
Offering & Financial Giving at MLC
- There are offering envelopes on the back of all pews for your use.
- If giving cash, include your name, address and phone number on the outside of the envelope.
- Members who use Messiah’s online giving portal may place an “I gave online” card in the offering plate when it is passed.
- Weekly giving envelope booklets are printed for members on an annual basis.
- The worship bulletin will state if the offerings from that service are going somewhere other than to the general fund of Messiah Lutheran Church.
- Designated offerings going to a specific ministry must include the designated ministry on the memo line of the check or envelope.
Here are few more tips ...
Does Messiah have a dress code or restrictions on what women may wear? No. Attending a service will be your best guide.
Top five things to do when you take your place in the pew.
- Scan the bulletin and familiarize yourself with the Order of Worship.
- Pull out the hymnal which will be used for the service and mark Hymn locations.
- Silence any cell phones, tablets, or other devices you have on you.
- Greet others quietly, some folks use the time before worship for private prayer and meditation.
- Mark your attendance in the black attendance books which are found near the center of the aisles.
Pastor Kris Schroeder
Pastor, Messiah Lutheran Church
Randall Fields
Director of Music and Worship Ministries:
Laura Peterson
Church Council Representative
for Worship and Music
Sunday Volunteer Coordinators:
Acolytes: Cheryl Rydbom
Altar Guild: Jutta DeMarsh
Cantors: Lois Graff Counters: Lee Smith Flower Guild: Linda Heideman
Greeters: Whitney Morse
Lectors & Communion Assistants: Sherry Sarratt
Messiah Mugs: Cheryl Rydbom Stream Team: Meredith Kilby Ushers: Bruce Machamer
Coordinators are always looking for new volunteers!