(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

Christian Education and Faith Formation at MLC! 

The Bible is God’s Great Gift for mankind to open, read and learn from, not just while we are school-aged, or going through confirmation, but for our whole life. From the cradle to grave, studying God’s work in the company of others will be a source of blessing.   It is His Great Heritage and shall remain so when we pass this Great Gift to children or grandchildren, family, friends and strangers.  Explore the many ways Messiah Lutheran Church can help you or your family open this gift. 

Jump to:  First Communion Instruction   |   Confirmation Program   | Youth Programs

Sunday School – Children Pre-K to 12th Grade

Our Sunday School program always has room to grow, and you are always welcome to bring a friend! Sunday School operates on open registration, so if you haven’t already registered, don’t worry – just come!   We do ask that if your child (or you child’s friend) has a specific dietary allergy, physical limitation, or behavior concern, that you share that information with the teacher prior to leaving your child with the Sunday School teacher.    

MLC Youth and Education Registration Form (SY 24-25) 

Upcoming Dates for Parents and Teaches

August 4 – Rally Day!  Come meet your teachers and get settled into the classrooms then enjoy games and treats with other students.

August 18 – Messy Games at St. Matthew’s (4:30-7)
August 25 – Youth kicks off with Fourth Sunday Dinner (simple meal and Planning Session.
September 1  – No Pre-K – Gr. 12  Sunday School – Kit Ministry Activity & No Youth Group

September 29 –  Fall Break Begins (No Pre-K to Gr. 12 Classes or Youth)  Fall Craft activity






 Sunday School – Adults 

Our Adult Bible Study meets in Room 11/12 at 9:45 a.m. on Sundays.  This is led by Dottie Hanson. All are welcome.

First Communion Instruction

Any youth age 7 (grade 2) or older who has yet to receive First Communion instruction is invited to join. The training is an interactive evening event  that at least one parent/guardian should be present for. Younger youth are welcome to attend after conversation with Pastor Kris. If there are older youth or adults who would like a refresher on this Lutheran sacrament they are welcome to join as well. Any questions may be directed to Pastor Kris at pastor.kris@mlutheran.org.

Confirmation Program

At Messiah, we sponsor a two-year confirmation program for eighth and ninth-grade students. Confirmation at Messiah is about faith formation, not simply faith information. We focus on being the church, not teaching about the church. Our program includes learning events, fellowship events, service events,  and worship events.  If you are interested in Confirmation classes for yourself or your child, please talk to Pastor Kris  Schroeder or call the Church Office at 721-0041.


For Parents/Children

MLC Youth and Education Registration Form (SY 24-25)

Parental Consent and Medical Authorization Form  Parents are asked to complete and return this form annually (by non-electronic means).  The form is intended to activities such as Sunday School, music groups, weekly meetings, etc. 

Youth Special Event Permission Form This form will be required whenever a child or youth will be transported away from the Messiah Lutheran Church campus for a special event.   

Youth Volunteer Training  Course 

All MLC staff and volunteers who have regular contact with minor children attending Messiah ministries are required to complete Youth Volunteer Training, submit a volunteer application and pass a background check.

MLC Youth & Education Volunteer Application



Bonnie Flowers
Council Representative for Education and Youth

Janet Sullivan
Sunday School Superintendent