Thanks for your interest in using MLC’s teamup calendar. Teamup is a web-based calendar / application we use to schedule church events and usage of our church home by members and outside groups.
To view the calendar on mobile devices, first visit and download the mobile app for their device. Next, you will select which calendar you wish to subscribe to by pasting in the desired calendar key, below:
- Church Events calendar key: ksjfg5a46kzxfjpss6
- Facility calendar key: ksdd8it2dsa38k6ih8
Helpful notes.
- All church events, unless held off-site, will appear on the Facility Calendar in the space it is taking place (for example 8:30 Worship takes place in the Sanctuary).
- Save events on the teamup calendar by exporting to a Outlook or Google calendar.
- Share events on the teamup calendar by email, as a webpage, and also as a Facebook post.
- Receive notifications when there are changes to a calendar you have subscribed to.