Debi Peterson
Council Representative for Fellowship
Fellowship Programs
Sunday Morning Coffee Fellowship / Messiah Mugs
Join us in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings between services for coffee, tea, and lots of fellowship, including “DONUT SUNDAYS” (usually the third Sunday each month). POC: Cheryl Rydbom (Coffee) Deb McDaniels (Donut Sunday)
Link to Signup for Coffee Volunteers
Wednesday Night Cafe
Join us Wednesday evenings for a deliciously prepared meal from 5:30 p.m – 6:30 p.m. then go to enjoy choir, bells, or an adult class led by Pastor Peterson. Your suggested free-will donation given at the door helps offset meal expenses.
Volunteers are always needed to help plan and lead a Wednesday Night Cafe and help with prep and clean up. POC: Muriel Irvin
Lenten Soup Suppers
During Lent, members sign up to bring crockpots of soup and side dishes for church members to enjoy before Lenten Worship service begins at 7:00 p.m. Volunteers also needed for night leads, set up and clean up. POC: Sonja Pedersen.
Fellowship Groups
OWLs (Older Wiser Lutherans)
The OWLs are a fellowship group for members 50 years of age and older who get together monthly (summer excluded). The activities range from visits to local sights, breakfast at local eateries or events hosted at private homes of members. POC: Jan Murphy
Foodies – Faith, Food & Fellowship
Foodies is a rotating dinner club for Messiah Lutheran singles and couples that takes place in members’ homes once a month. The small group setting is a great way to connect with other Messiah members. A brief devotional is prepared monthly. Groups range in size from six to eight adults and get together three to four times during the “Round” which lasts roughly four to five months (Fall, Winter/Spring). Contact Dana Burton to get involved.
YALL (Young Adults Lutheran League)
This group for 25-40 somethings gathers monthly to explore different eateries, concert venues and more. Check the MLC Calendar for meeting times and dates. POC: Kristin Gipner / Dana Burton
Women’s Book & Social Club
Messiah women gather on the 2nd Monday of each month at member’s homes to discuss recently read selected books on Christian themes. Locations and start times vary and are announced via e-news. POC: Janell Zesinger
MoMs – (Men of Messiah)
Men of Messiah meets monthly on the 4th Tuesday of the month at various restaurants member homes, and tap-rooms Locations and times vary and are announced via e-news. All are welcome. POC: Mark Zesinger, Pete Woods
Other Fellowship Activities…
Potluck Luncheons We couldn’t be Lutherans without them! The meal starts right after late service in the Parish Hall. Watch the event calendar for details and sign-up info. Open to all. Church Picnic / Rally Day
The annual church picnic is held in conjunction with Sunday School Rally Day, which celebrates the start of the new Sunday School year- usually early August!
Receptions and Special Events We welcome new members quarterly. The receptions give everyone a chance to meet and get to know one another.
Halloween Costume Party and Chili Cookoff is a long-running Messiah Tradition. Members enjoy preparing and sharing their best chili-recipe in hopes of receiving the “Best Chili” award. Children of all ages enjoy the costume contest, games and activities that accompany this event.