The offerings given at MLC’s Advent services this year will go to two organizations,Gathered by Grace and the Riley Center.
Wednesday Advent Services of Worship
are at Noon and 7:00 p.m. on December 5, `12, and 19th. All are welcome! The Noon services will last about 30 minutes. The evening services will use the Holden Evening Prayer Service liturgy.
Gathered by Grace is an ELCA church development that meets in the community rather than in a building. Pastor Developer Tiffany Chaney leads weekly Bible studies in gatherings called Dinner and Dialogue in two locations: Montgomery and Tuskegee. Gathered by Grace also hosts a weekly online Bible study on Sunday nights. Our Advent giving will support GBG’s Life Happens Fund, which helps young adults in need of assistance with financial counseling, rent, groceries, and school fees. For more information about GBG, visit
Pastor Tiffancy Chaney will give a Temple Talk about “Gathered by Grace” at Messiah Lutheran Church on Sunday, Dec. 16 at both services.
The Riley Center in Huntsville is a nonprofit school that provides a comprehensive program to improve the lives of children with autism and their families. Their mission is to provide hope to every family that walks through their doors. Our Advent giving will help the Riley Center continue offering services at or below cost to families and extend these services to more children. For more information about The Riley Center, visit
Sierra Madison of The Riley Center will give a Temple Talk about their programs Messiah Lutheran Church on Sunday, Dec. 9th at both services.