From Blessing of the Backpacks August 7, 2011 |
The beginning of August means that it is time for the children to head back to school. One of the traditions of Messiah Lutheran Church is that the children of the congregation bring their backpacks to Church with them to be blessed. We ask our Gracious God to bless the students and their parents. Help us to know you walk with us each day. Bless our journeys, our schools, our friends, and our families. We ask that you make our teachers examples of your righteousness for the children they teach. Keep them and all of us steadfast in your Word. We ask Generous God, that you bless the books and school supplies, the lunches and snacks that these backpacks will hold. Thank you for the tools and nourishment you give for learning. Just as these backpacks will hold what is needed for school days, we look to You to securely hold each child forever.