On February 13th, 2011, Messiah Lutheran Church conducted a forum during Sunday School hour in support of the Capital Campaign for our Sanctuary Expansion.
Much has happened at Messiah Lutheran Church since 1990. A quick look around at any worship service reminds us of God’s abundant blessings to us. In 1994, largely through the labors of members, the building was completed and provided a home for our ministries. In 2005, we completed our educational wing that provided five much-needed classrooms and a large youth room. In 2006 we dedicated our new parish hall, an audio room, and a much larger kitchen. Our continued growth has led to space issues. Of course, overcrowding on about two Sundays a month is a nice problem to have, but it is time to plan for our continued growth. As Bonhoe!er emphasized, “The church is only the church when it exists for others.” Our purpose with this appeal is to expand our worship area by about fifty percent.
Our goal for this capital program is $600,000. This project will provide a strong financial base for needed improvements for our facility so that we may better reach out to families. The short-term benefits would be to provide space for growth. The longterm benefit could be a fifty percent increase in our overall mission.
Information to help everyone determine their part will be provided in various ways. This will include Bible reading and reflection, prayer, and opportunities to learn more about different ways of giving. Everyone in the congregation will be encouraged to participate and grow in generosity as we help each other gain a vision of what our congregation can be and do. Three information sessions on the expanded facility will be held to answer questions. These will held be during Sunday School hour on Feb. 13, 20, and 27.
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