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Listening to information while at Antioch Pasidia


Greco Roman Theater at Antioch Pasidia

Our pilgrimage covered a lot of miles this day as we moved West. The regions varied from flat fertile farmland to snow capped mountains. Turkey is a gorgeous country. 

The pictures above include Antioch Pisidia where Paul and Barnabas worked on a mission journey. Read about it in Acts 13. The Bible stories come to life as we walk where the Apostles walked. 

Our last stop was at the tel of Colossae. This was the home of Philemon and his slave Onesimus. It is likely that Onesimus eventually became the Bishop of Ephesus and is responsible for gathering the letters of Paul that are in our Bible. 

In the evening we relaxed in the natural hot springs of Parmaluke. We are well and I will say again: No safety concerns have arisen. We move freely and relaxed among our gracious Turkish hosts.