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Daily Devotion – April 28, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020 But why should it be possible to mistrust-Nor possible only, but its opposite hard?Why should not man believe because he must–By sight’s compulsion? Why should he be scarredWith conflict? worn with doubting fine and long?No man is fit for...
Daily Devotion – April 27, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 27, 2020

April 27, 2020 – Daily Devotion Some say that thou their endless love hast wonBy deeds for them which I may not believeThou ever didst, or every willedst done;What matter, so they love thee? They receiveEternal more than the poor loom and wheelof their invention...
Devotion for Saturday, April 25, 2020

Devotion for Saturday, April 25, 2020

DEVOTION FOR SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 2020 Too eager I must not be to understand.How should the work the Master goes aboutFit the vague sketch my compasses have planned?I am his house–for him to go in and out.He builds me now-and if I cannot seeAt any time what he is...
Daily Devotion – April 24, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 24, 2020

I am lost before thee, Father! I willclaim of thee my birthright ineffable.Thou lay’st it on me, son, to claim thee, sire;To that which thou hast made me, I aspire;To thee, the sun, upflames thy kindled fire.No man presumes in that to which he was born;Less than...
Daily Devotion – April 23, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 23, 2020

I would go near thee- but I cannot pressInto thy presence–it helps not to presume.Thy doors are deeds, the handles are their doing.He whose day-life is obedient righteousness,Who, after failure, or a poor success,Rises up, stronger effort yet renewing–He...
Daily Devotion – April 22, 2020

Daily Devotion – April 22, 2020

Lord, I have fallen again–a human clod!Selfish I was, and heedless to offend;Stood on my rights. Thy own child would not sendAway his shreds of nothing for the whole God!Wretched, to thee who savest, now I bend;Give me the power to let my rag-rights goIn the...