The following article appeared as the Mission Spotlight the March 2018 “Messiah Messenger,” the monthly newsletter of Messiah Lutheran Church.
This year’s Lenten emphasis for Outreach at Messiah is Poverty. Unless otherwise specified, 2018 Lenten offerings will be shared with the Christian Women’s Job Corps, along with Kids to Love’s – KTech training program.
Christian Women’s Job Corps from WMU on Vimeo.
Christian Women’s Job Corps (CWJC) is a FREE, faith-based job readiness program designed to provide experiences and skills that allow their graduates to compete in the job market and create a brighter future for themselves and their families.
CWHC teaches basic computer skills, job search skills, money management, and most importantly, Bible study.
CWJC was developed in the 90’s by Birmingham based WMU (Women’s Missionary Union) as a program to address the needs of women in poverty.
The Madison location is one of three sites in Madison County. Messiah supports the classes at Heritage United Methodist Church on Brown’s Ferry Rd, providing a lunch to the students each semester. A portion of our Lenten giving will go to support this ministry. Individuals interested in assisting with this outreach may speak to Claire Strand, Director of Outreach.
Related CWJC links
Christian Women’s Job Corp Facebook Page