(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org


Cheryl Byers Farewelled, Recognized

This past Sunday, December 6th, Messiah Lutheran Church recognized long time Office Manager Cheryl Byers for her service and dedication during a Christmas Reception held following the first service.

Cheryl started her part-time work for Messiah in 2008.  She recently accepted a position with an Occupational Therapy office which is Cheryl’s field of training!    She and her husband Dan, and sons,  Justin, Joshua and Jonathan will continue to be active and involved in the Messiah Lutheran Church family.

Welcome New MembersWelcome, New Members to Messiah!

Four new households were welcomed into the Messiah Lutheran Church family on December 6th  during the 11:00 AM Worship service.  Joining on Sunday were: Andrew and Ali Davis, Judy McMillin, Nora Musser and the Tom and Muriel Irvin Family which includes Trista, Dylan, Maisie and Grandson Cooper. All were welcomed and celebrated at the reception that followed in the Fellowship Hall.

Cheryl Rydbom serves as the Fellowship Committee Chair.   Thanks to all who assisted with the reception by bringing the wonderful treats, cookies and baked goods.