About 3,900 tigers live in the wild. Over 5,000 tigers live in captivity in the U.S. One of the gifts our Lord gives us through the resurrection of Jesus is freedom. We do not need to save the world; God took care of that in the death and resurrection of Jesus. We are free to love and live and serve in our Lord’s image. We long for the day when God’s kingdom will come in all its glory. Until then, we live on glimpses. –Pastor Scott
WE LIVE ON GLIMPSES by Gerhard Frost
We live on glimpses,
fleeting glimpses in the forest
this is its beauty,
this its charm.
A bit of furry fluff
disappearing behind a log,
the flash of a many-colored wing
telling us that a bird is hiding in the bush.
Wild things always in flight,
leaving us wishing for more,
more time to examine and admire,
more to hold in the hand.
We live on glimpses and wish for time-exposures;
but perhaps this is best:
to see wild things in the open,
untamed and free,
not caged or constrained, but free to go away.
For beauties are enhanced when they are fleeting;
they leave us hungry still.
We live on glimpses of great truths,
wild truths, like the fact of God’s saving love.
To teach is never to tame or domesticate;
it is to acquaint each other
with truth on the wing,
unpredictable, unmanageable,
truth that seeks and seizes,
and will not be captured or contained.