(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

An online preview of tonight’s events and upcoming events and opportunities at Messiah Lutheran Church


Ushers needed for 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. service

Counters needed for 8:30 a.m. service

Counters: On the occasional Sunday where the 11:00 a.m. counting slots are unfilled, a proposal for Monday morning counting is being offered. Please let Lee Smith know if that opens availability for you to serve as a counter.

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On the Menu: Breakfast! Omelets, Biscuits & Gravy, Sausage and Ham and Fresh Fruit

Wednesday 9/19: Build Your Own Omelets!  Also available: biscuits and gravy, ham & sausage, and a selection of fresh fruit.   The Cafe is open from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Calling All Bell and Chime Ringers ….. past, present, and future! 

On December 9, we will be celebrating the 20th Annual Ring and Sing!  If you have rung in the past, do so now, or would like to participate as a new ringer in this fun event, please let Rhonda know.  Rehearsals range from weekly (now until December) or minimal (closer to concert time), depending on availability.  Cherub and Seraph Choirs will be ringing and chiming also!  POC: Rhonda Gaede.

OWLS – Mini Golf Event this Saturday!

Messiah’s Older Wiser LutheranS (OWLs) will gather this Saturday 9/22 at 6:30 p.m. at Insanity Skate Park for Mini Golf.  Refreshments to follow at the Applebees on Hughes Road.  Please call Jan Murphy. if you plan to attend.    Event details, maps

Why Tithe? 
Commitment Sunday is this Sunday, September 23rd.

Why Tithe? is the theme of MLC’s Fall Stewardship Emphasis.  The Bible gives tithing as a model for Christian giving.    Please prayerfully consider your financial giving for 2019 and return your card which was sent by mail earlier this week.   You may also use the enclosed envelope in the mailing to return your pledge to Marc Neely, MLC’s Financial Secretary.

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New Adult Class begins Sunday, Sep 23

New Adult Class Starts Sunday 9/23

The Adult Sunday School group “Conversation Cafe”  will resume meeting this Sunday, September 23 in the Parish Hall with a study based on the book “Jesus Among the Secular Gods: The Countercultural Claims of Claims of Christ”  by Ravi Zacharias, Vince Vitale.  The course will have video sessions with Zacharias & Vitale followed by Bible Study and discussion. Class members will benefit the most purchasing the book’s companion study book. A half dozen paperback study books will be available for purchase on the 23rd for $15.00. An extended e-Reader edition (which includes the video content) of the study books is available for roughly the same price for individual download (PC, mac & mobile device compatible).

For more information visit www.mlutheran.org/education

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100% of Sales Support Lunches for Learning

Handmade Market is Saturday, Sep 29 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

100% of the sales support our two Lunches for Learning elementary schools in Honduras. Please contact Elaine Shriver if you have handcrafted items to donate or wish to help in some other way.  

Walk to End ALZ Logo
ALZ Walk Sep 29

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Saturday, Sep 29 at 9 a.m. at the Huntsville Botanical Garden. Details can be found on the ALZ Walk Website.

Pantry & Kit Items Needed

· Microwave ready soups and meals (that can be stored in a cupboard)

· 4 oz. Bars of Soap