(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

Photo Upload Form

Families can keep their keep their household’s photo up to date by using the form below to upload a recent portrait.

Photo Upload Form

Youth / Education Forms

 Sunday School Registration Form (online)

Standards for Youth Activities at Messiah Lutheran Church  This document details the standards and practices in place at Messiah Lutheran Church to ensure the safety of our children, youth, and leaders during church-sponsored activities.   Regular training sessions will be offered to staff, parents and volunteers. 

Overview of Youth Activities Standards – A tri-fold publication summarizing MLC’s Youth Activities Standards and practices.

Parental Consent and Medical Authorization Form  Parents are asked to complete and return this form annually (by non-electronic means).  The form is intended to cover routine activities such as Sunday School, music groups, weekly meetings, etc. 

Youth Special Event Permission Form This form will be required whenever a child or youth will be transported away from the Messiah Lutheran Church campus for a special event.   

Youth Activities Volunteer Application   This form is required of all Messiah Lutheran volunteers or staff who regularly teach, lead or regularly participate in MLC youth activities.  Because the form requires Personally Identifiable Data 

Permission Slip Youth Form  This form is used for parents to give consent for their children to participate in Youth Activities.