Dear Friends in Christ,
Following recommendations to socially isolate is difficult for Christians. How are we to love one another without a hug, a handshake, or that reassuring pat on the shoulder? How are we to be God’s People, Reaching Out when it’s safest for us not to gather? We know that nothing stops our Lord’s love for us. Our response to this gift of love doesn’t have to stop either. Here are a number of ways we can safely continue to use our identity as God’s people to reach out in these strange times.
1.Phone calls. Reach out and call someone. If we aren’t able to see each other for a while, we are going to miss each other. Give your friends a call. It’s not rude to be “in” your phone right now. The MLC member directory is on the website if you need someone’s phone number. It’s password protected, so you’ll need to call the office if you don’t have the password. This information will not be given to non-members.
2. Prayers. We can have talks with God anywhere and anytime. Our world, especially right now, needs a lot of prayer. MLC has a very active and strong prayer chain. If you’re interested in becoming a link in that chain, please talk to Pastor Scott or Claire.
3. Fulfill a community need. Our community is a community that cares. Many services to those in need are still running. The House of the Harvest and CASA are just two examples.
4. Bible reading. Do any of you still have your E100 (the Essential One-Hundred Bible Reading Plan) books? If not, here are some good places to go: The Gospel of John, Philippians, the Psalms, and the Gospel of Luke.
5. Reading and teaching the Small Catechism. Martin Luther wrote the Small Catechism for parents to use at home to instruct their children in the basics of faith. It can be found online. It’s not just for kids. The Small Catechism is great for bedtime and morning devotions.
6. A mini-handmade market is on the calendar for late April. Use your God-given talents to make crafts we can sell to raise money for feeding children in Honduras. If the Spring sale doesn’t happen, we should be able to have our annual Fall sale.
I’m sure there are many other ways. Listen for what our Lord might be saying.
Virtual hugs!