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‘The inheritance seeks the heir.’  On Maundy Thursday, His final night with all 12 disciples, Jesus announced His last will and His new testament.  He had no stock, nor bond portfolio.  No real estate, nor bank accounts needed to be divided. 

Given His mission in this life, Jesus had nothing physically left to give except Himself.  That is exactly what Jesus did: He gave himself, body and blood, to His disciples.  With grace and divine ingenuity, Jesus bequeathed Himself so disciples today still feast upon forgiveness, life, and salvation when His words are spoken, “The body of Christ given for you.  The blood of Christ shed for you.as the Passover bread and wine are distributed. The inheritance seeks the heir.  We are heirs in God’s family. 

– Pastor Scott


Like ocean waves,
beating against wet rocks
and washing miles of shore,
so the “blesseds” bear in upon me.
In them God’s mercy comes,
and always there’s more!
This is the movement of grace,
always toward me.
The inheritance seeks the heir.

It is a loving plan,
God’s plan for me,
his purpose to pursue.
I run after the good,
but the best runs after me.
The Hound of Heaven is on my trail.
(I hear the “blesseds,”
and in them the baying of the Hound.)

“The only thing there’s enough of,”
and it seeks me,
not it, but He;
He seeks me.
This is the grain of my existence,
and it is a gracious plan.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Gerhard Frost (1909 – 1988) was a Lutheran Pastor, a college and seminary professor, and a poet.  A student and friend of his described him this way, “…beloved by all who knew him. He had a Lincolnesque combination of strength and quietness about him.”  That is an apt description of Gerhard Frost when I met him in 1978.  As a guest speaker, he read his poetry at my internship congregation, Immanuel Lutheran Church, in Wadena, MN.