William Strand Preaches, Erin McDaniels Sings, Fellowship Gathers, and Youth Get Messy!
Not only was Sunday, June 3rd, 2018, the first Sunday of “Summer,” it was an action-packed day for a number of MLC’s ministries. For starters, it was a homecoming for two gifted young adults who grew up at Messiah Lutheran Church before embarking on their adult lives. Sunday morning’s “3M” Class (Meet Marvelous Ministries) featured Messiah’s Fellowship ministry with many in attendance. Sunday afternoon’s “Family Messy Game & Promotion Party” gave Messiah Lutheran Youth from grades 3 through 12 a chance to laugh, play and celebrate the newest members of MLC’s Moes (Messiah Older Elementary Students), Jr. Youth, and Sr. Youth groups.
Preaching this morning was William Strand, son of members Stephen and Claire Strand. A University of Alabama graduate, Strand begins his second year of Seminary at LTSS (Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary) this fall. On April 21st of this year, he was approved by the SE Synod Candidacy Committee as a Candidate preparing for Ordination into the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. Strand is seeking to ultimately become an Army Chaplain.
Also home and on break from academic studies is vocalist Erin McDaniels. Erin is the daughter of Lloyd and Deb McDaniels. The talented soprano presented an afternoon voice recital for the community, accompanied by Lois Graff, MLC’s Director of Worship and Music Ministries. McDaniels graduated from Middle Tennesee State University and performed for several years with the Nashville Opera. She is currently at Penn State University pursuing a double major in Voice Performance and Pedagogy. McDaniels’ recital featured a collection of operatic and musical theater pieces. Erin actually broadcasted the recital live on her Facebook Page.
This Sunday also was the third “Meet Messiah Ministries, aka “3M” sessions during the Sunday School hour highlighting Messiah’s ministry areas. This week Sonja Pedersen, Council Representative for Fellowship, led those in attendance in a brief devotional on Fellowship and the ways it takes place at MLC. Some Fellowship Ministry group leaders were on hand to talk about their Fellowship groups and answer any questions.
The Second Annual “Messy Games” party was at the home of Joe & Bobbey Huwaldt and organized by Sara Galyon, MLC’s Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministries. As its name implies, ‘messy games’ provided an opportunity for younger youth to laugh, giggle and interact with older youth through a variety of games involving shaving cream and other sticky products. The children who were moving into the next level of youth groups were given eye patches or crowns to signify their “promotion.” A picnic was enjoyed by all and included hot dogs, fixings, and a variety of side dishes brought to pass by the families attending.
Additional photos from today’s events are available in the June Month in Pictures album!