What will Messiah Lutheran Church and its congregation be like in 10 years? What do you think it should be like? What will it take to get there? What should we invest in now to get there? Are there different actions and activities to pursue that we aren’t doing now? These are the questions I pondered while the Council put together the budget for 2016 that we voted on last November. I didn’t have the answers to those questions then, and I don’t have them yet.
I thought the best way to consider these questions was to put together a group consisting of a cross-section of the congregation to consider these questions. My timeframe was to have a plan by the time the Council considers a budget for next year. So we asked 3 men and 3 women to work together to consider these questions: older, younger, young families, grown children, etc. – all different perspectives and needs from a church. These six men and women met with many Messiah and community leaders to hear their views. They have completed an excellent report that contained surprising conclusions and perspectives on Messiah for all of us. But now the real work begins – we need to make some choices about how to move forward, and your help and participation is needed.
A summary of the Long Range Planning Committee’s report is available below.
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Note – this information is password protected. Church members needing assistance with the password may call the office at 256-721-0041 during business hours for assistance.
We will need to make choices about our future and which paths to take together. The last time Messiah engaged in this kind of long-range strategic planning was about 10 years ago. You may have participated in the strategic planning group that Ken Grant led then, which led the congregation in new directions. You will be hearing more in the near future about how to become involved and give your opinion on which paths to consider and decide upon. Please pray and think about Messiah’s future, and what role you might play in that.
Blessings, Mary Ann
Download and Print the LRP Summary
If you prefer, you may also read the complete Long Range Planning Report (Password protected document)