Comforters and Kit Ministry Teams Send 2.6 Tons of Aid Items to LWR!
It was once again a stellar year for MLC’s Comforters and Kit Ministry teams. On Sunday, August 28, 2022 a total of 5,247.8 pounds of relief good were loaded into a trailer by many hands of all ages. Thank you to everyone who brought their hands and handtrucks to MLC after the early service. The whole process of loading the semi-trailed took just 20 minutes with everyone’s help. The trailer will be picked up and taken to a Lutheran World Relief warehouse where the boxes will be offloaded and organized until they are shipped to LWR relief sites around the globe. Learn more about LWR Quilts and LWR Kit Mission.
The breakdown of the goods inside the truck are as follows: 393 baby care kits, 744 personal care kits, 798 school kits, 110 quilts, and 8 fabric kits.
On Sunday, August 21, the kits and quilts were blessed into God’s service in helping those in need. Diane Davis of the Kit Ministry team and Jeanette Beamer and Janet Smith gave temple talks to review of each groups efforts over the course of the past year. You can view the temple talks below.
MLC’s Kit Ministry team will take September off but will resume meeting on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
MLC’s Comforters will take September 6 off, but will resume meeting Tuesday mornings in the Fellowship Hall.
Dedicated offerings are always welcome to both groups. Please be sure to indicate “Kit Ministry” or “Comfoters” on your offering envelop or check memo line. The Comforters will also have their annual Quilt Auction in November.
Photo Gallery
Enjoy these photos from both the Kit & Quilt Blessing Sunday (Aug 21) and Truck Loading Day (Aug. 28
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