Based on MLC’s Covid-19 Task Force recommendations, MLC’s Church Council approved that surgical (non-cloth) masks are now required for all individuals while inside MLC effective Sunday, January 9, 2022.
Disposable surgical masks for all ages will be available at the Welcome Center if you do not have one with you.
During Sunday Services of Worship, please sit in the pews marked with ribbons and maintain physical distance from others not in your household. The 11:00 a.m. Service of Worship will continue to be livestreamed in MLC’s Parish Hall for those who prefer to worship in a less crowded and masked area. Those wishing to receive communion will be given instructions prior to distribution.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience with this change. MLC Covid-19 policies are re-evaluated on a regular basis by the Covid-19 Task Force and Church Council.
If you have further questions, please call the church office at 256-721-0041. The office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Thank you.
Messiah Lutheran Church Council
January 6, 2022 Southeastern Synod Covid-19 Statement from Bishop Kevin Strickland