New Messiah Lutheran Church (MLC) Cookbook In order to help commemorate MLC’s 25th anniversary, we are compiling a new cookbook that will contain the favorite recipes of our congregation members. Our goal is to have the cookbook available to purchase by Memorial Day weekend.
We need your help! We have lots of wonderful cooks (including guys) in our congregation. We know that because we have tasted your delicious food at our potlucks and on other occasions. This is your chance to finally tell us what that secret ingredient is in your dish. Please contribute 3-5 of your favorite recipes. The cookbooks will be professionally published and will contain special pages of interest, a table of contents, an index, helpful cooking hints, and recipe category dividers. And most importantly, your recipes will be published with your name. These cookbooks are sure to be treasured for years to come.
Download the Recipe Collection Sheet or pick up a copy of the form at the welcome center in the narthex. Please consider contributing several of your favorite recipes to make this an excellent cookbook that we can enjoy for years to come.
The cookbook committee includes Kimberly Dennig, Barbara Azzam, Cheryl Byers, Bonnie Webb, Toni Daniel and is chaired by LeeLinda Baggett. If you have questions, let us know. We are ready to type your recipes into the cookbook so bring on your favorite ones.