Owen’s House is Looking for Volunteers!
Starting in January of 2020, MLC is helping provide meals at
Owen’s House, which supports women and children and is in Huntsville. On the second Thursday of each month we have an opportunity to serve the evening meal to Owen’s House residents and then dine with them.
We need between 5 and 8 people for two hours between 4:30 and 6:30 for this once a month activity. Volunteers are not required to sign up for every time in 2020; rather we would like to have a long list of members who can commit for six or more times during the year. About two weeks before each monthly dinner, someone will contact volunteers to see who can serve that month.
On December 8th, Corey Buckner of the Downtown Rescue Mission (who oversees Owen’s House) will provide details and answer questions about this project for about 15 minutes after the early service. Additional information about the project is included in the December “Messiah Messenger” and can also be found on the website at mlutheran.org.
Those interested in possible service are requested to sign up at the Visitors Center. contact Claire Strand (claire@mlutheran.org) or Bill Emerson, or show up to learn more on December 8th!
We hope you will consider participating in this. If you would like to designate gifts the Owen’s House, please write “Owen’s House” on the memo line of your check. Thank you!
Why Support Owen’s House?
Owen’s House, a new part of Downtown Rescue Mission, provides a temporary home for women and children who have no place to stay. Owen’s House provides classes, clothing, and food for up to 100 women and children in need.

Owen’s House currently provides daily meals to residents. Much of the food is donated from a variety of sources, and their supply of any given food type fluctuates depending on what is donated at the time. For example, sometimes Owen’s House has very little milk to serve their residents, but at other times, government programs and individual citizens supply plenty of milk. Donations of fresh fruit and vegetables are plentiful in the summer months, but not during the winter.
The Messiah Church Council approved at their November 14 meeting to allow funds to be raised for Owen’s House to purchase food that will help ensure balanced and healthy meals are available. This will help the children grow up healthy. By guaranteeing a stable source of nourishing and wholesome food, we will reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes in mothers and children.
Owen’s House would like to count on having sufficient fresh eggs, milk, orange juice, fresh fruit, and many other nutritious foods. In the winter months, they would also like to improve the lunch meals with fresh fruit and vegetables.
Besides supporting Owen’s House through donations, church members are invited to help on the serving line at least once a month at an Owen’s House evening meal and to eat with those we serve. This will provide a chance to have fellowship with and get to know those we help. Details are being worked out and will be available soon.
A dedicated account for this new mission is up and running. With your support, MLC plans to give $1000 a month so that food may be purchased. to If you are interested in donating, please write “Owen’s House” on the memo line of your check.