(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

Messiah Lutheran Church Music Camp presents God Goes Fishing – The Story of Jonah.

This week, 48 children from Messiah Lutheran Church and the local community participated in an original musical production entitled “God Goes Fishing” during the Church’s annual Music Camp.

Music Camp is a week long event in which the youth practice during the week and then perform during both Sunday worship services.  “God Goes Fishing” tells the story of Jonah and how God is fishing for us all. 

In addition to practicing for the musical production, the children also enjoyed music, drama, arts and crafts, recreation, snacks and afternoon activities. If you watch the video above, you will easily be able to tell that the kids had a great time based on all of the smiles on their faces. 

We give special thanks to the small army of adult and teen volunteers who helped make Music Camp a success this year by putting this awesome Worship service together in just one week.

The Music and Lyrics for “God Goes Fishing” were written by Pastor Scott Peterson and our Music Director, Lois Graff.

Here are some photos from the dress rehearsal

Here are some videos from previous music camps.

2012 – http://mlutheran.blogspot.com/2012/06/oh-brother.html
2011 – http://mlutheran.blogspot.com/2011/06/sam-shams-and-shepherd-king.html
2010 – http://mlutheran.blogspot.com/2010/06/lord-use-me-music-camp-2010_17.html