What is New?
O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come…LBW #320
Dear Members and Friends of MLC,
The following recommendations from the MLC Covid Taskforce were approved by the Church Council on June 10:
1.) Beginning Sunday, July 4, fully vaccinated people do not need to wear a mask in the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. indoor services of worship. This includes singing.
2.) Also, beginning July 4, those wanting to worship where everyone is required to wear a mask, are encouraged to gather in the Parish Hall at 11:00 a.m. for a live-stream video of the service in the Sanctuary. Distribution of the Lord’s Supper in the Parish Hall will be brought by Communion Assistants wearing masks. (Our hope is this will benefit parents with children too young to receive the vaccine, and those unvaccinated for medical or other reasons.)
3.) Now: Fully vaccinated people are not required to mask when inside MLC building–24/7. (All MLC staff members are fully vaccinated.)
4.) Now: If not vaccinated, please wear a mask whenever inside MLC building out of concern for the safety of unvaccinated children and others.
5.) Now: Holy Hill Church, the Scouts troop, and Weight Watchers have agreements that enable them to meet in MLC building.
May God bless and watch over us all,
Messiah Lutheran Church Council