The Older Wiser Lutheran’s (OWLS) of Messiah Lutheran Church are a loosely knit group of folks age 50 or better who get together once a month for an activity.
The OWLS activities vary from a potluck at the church, Sunday brunch at a restaurant, miniature golf, a visit to the Botanical Garden, to attending the “Living Christmas Tree” concert. Both men and women are welcome. And don’t let their name fool you. They may call themselves the “Older” Wiser Lutherans, but they know they’re young at heart.
For their first get together after the summer break, the OWLS attended a gathering hosted by Mary Ann and Ed Stasiak. The OWLS had a wonderful time spending time together in fellowship and learning to play dominoes.
The Event was a smashing success! If you would like to learn more about the OWLS please visit the OWLs Page of the Messiah Lutheran Church Website.