Finances are obviously very important to support our ministry, and we appreciate the generous support we receive from our families.
Benefits for the Church:
- Reduces check processing expenses
- Increases regular giving with recurring contributions
- Boosts accuracy of revenue forecasting
- Provides electronic donation summary for tax purposes
- Reaches a wider demographic of givers
- Accommodates special collections and missions
- Eliminates church staff’s concerns regarding security of sensitive data
- Allows staff more time to focus on ministries and activities (rather than processing envelopes and contributions)
Please understand that Online Giving is not intended to replace the traditional act of Sunday offertory, rather it is meant to enhance it. You may continue to use offering envelopes if you wish. Reusable cards will also be available in the pews for Online Giving household members to place into the basket. This allows you to physically participate in the Sunday offertory.
Please prayerfully consider Online Giving.