Online Giving Temple Talk
2021 Temple Talk : Tim Pitchko
Good Morning.
I’m Tim Pitchko, the Stewardship Representative on Council. I’m speaking to you today about some exciting updates we have regarding online giving. We are a mission-based church, meaning we put our faith to action through ministry in our community, locally and globally. The congregation’s generous giving enables us to act upon these missions through God. The pandemic has challenged us over this past year, but I’m amazed at how we have continued to give. Our online giving tools have grown in use as we virtualized to prioritize everyone’s safety. Because of this increase in demand, we have looked for ways to enhance the online tools and make it easier to use.
As of now, we have a new online giving website specifically designed for Messiah. The website is powered by a company called Vanco, which also provides an app for your smart phone. You can download it from the apple store or google play store. Through the website or app, you can give to general ministries or the numerous programs we support, such as Lunches for Learning, LEAP, and Davidson Farms. You can also pay for specific events, such as the spaghetti supper or Music Camp. The website and app have the option to link directly to your bank account or credit card, and you can configure it for weekly or monthly offerings. Please keep in mind, there is a small fee to the church associated with each individual transaction, more-so with the credit card. Grouping transactions can help minimize the fees.
We hope this tool will help make online giving easier for you. Please look for the Vanco link in this weeks e-bulletin or our website,
I’ll end with an excerpt from First Timothy, Chapter 6, Verses 18-19
They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.
Thank you.
For now both the new VANCO site and the pre-existing “My Own Giving” site will be active. Please stay tuned for information and updates as to when the existing online giving with “My Own Giving” will cease.