The pre-recorded service of worship (Holden Evening Prayer Service) will be available at or before 7 p.m. Wednesday evening.
A Group Zoom Worship will also take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday evening. The link was sent out in Tuesday’s MLC E-news.
Download and view the e-bulletin and announcements.
DO NOT BE AFRAID! is the theme for the four Wednesday Advent service meditations beginning December 2. The words ‘Do not be afraid’ are a refrain which God speaks again and again through messengers God sends.
We begin with an angel with an attitude problem which includes an old unsuspecting couple. That is followed by a construction worker in the midst of a quandary who was a dreamer. The third episode will have a beautiful young heroine thrown into a hot mess. Finally, YOU take God’s stage acting and speaking in this greatest drama in all of human history.
Why is this the greatest drama ever? Because this is the story of God and God’s people. YOU are a child of God, shaped by God, whom God has given a part to play. This is a great honor and a grand responsibility! And, by God, you are going to come out of this alive. So, Do Not Be Afraid!
to borrow are available on MLC’s Give and Take Cart. The cart will be out on Sunday Morning or you can also call the church office and stop by to pick one up during office hours.
As a way of being together in evening worship, yet safely in our homes, group Zoom worship will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings through Dec 23rd. The link will be sent in MLC E-News. If you are a guest of MLC and would like to participate, please call the church office and the link will be sent to you.
Offerings designated as Advent offerings benefit Inspiritus, which formerly was the Lutheran Services of Alabama and Tennessee. Disaster relief is only one of the many important services Inspiritus offers. Visit for more information.