(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

July 10, 2023 – 6 PM Livestream – Ordination Rite

Vicar William Strand
Online attendees are encouraged to download the online bulletin, below. 

Strand Ordination Bulletin

This past  Monday evening members and friends of Messiah Lutheran Church gathered in worship and celebration to witness the Rite of Ordination for William Strand.   William has been serving MLC as an Interim Director of Faith Formation and is the son of Stephen and Claire Strand.

Over 130 people attended the service which was presided by Bishop Ginney Aebischer of the ELCA South Carolina Synod.  Other Clergy involved in the Rite of Ordination included Sister Sara Galyon, who preached,  and Pastor Mark Ditmanson, who served as William’s mentor during his Internship in Grand Marais/Hovland, MN.  Also assisting in the service was Pastors Kris and Bill Schroeder.    Offerings received during the service (unless designated) will go towards transportation costs for youth attending next year’s ELCA Youth Gathering.  

In his remarks, the newly minted Pastor Strand thanked the MLC for being the guiding force in his faith formation and nurturing his goal to become an ordained Pastor.  He is now enroute to serve a 2-point call to Corinth, Saluda, SC & St. Mark’s, Leesville, SC.  Mister Dennis Lambris of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church of Leesville attended the ordination and presented William for Ordination.  He will preside and preach at his first service there this Sunday!

The Reception that followed was beautifully arranged by MLC’s Fellowship Committee, headed up by Kari Pitchko. The red tablecloth toppers that filled the Parish Hall with the “color of the day” were recently purchased and will grace future celebrations of fellowship for years to come! Thank you to everyone who assisted with the reception.
At the reception, MLC Council President Neda Ballard presented Pastor Strand with a handmade communion cup and paten.  

God Bless Pastor William Strand as he begins his service as a called and ordained Minister of the Word and Sacraments!
If you were not able to attend the service, you can still watch the livestream recording of it at the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-kCJv0UzcA
Enjoy a selection of photos below. Many more are posted to a shared Google Photos album at the link below.
Thank you to Claire Davis, Neda Balllard and Bonnie Flowers for your photographic talents.