One Baptized and Nine Confirmed on Pentecost Sunday
Pentecost Sunday was alive with the Holy Spirit on Sunday, May 20, 2018, at Messiah Lutheran Church. The sanctuary was festive with the red liturgical paraments and banners; even the altar flower arrangements reflected the event in history when the Holy Spirit descended on Christ’s twelve disciples and the Christian Church began.
The Sunday was the culmination of two years of study in Messiah’s Confirmation classes for the nine youth who were confirmed at the 11:00 a.m. service. It was also an eagerly awaited day for Emma James, who was welcomed into God’s family through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. The two life passages of Baptism and Confirmation were actually interwoven. While it is customary for Pastor Scott Peterson to encourage youngsters to come forward for a closer look at the Baptism, this time, the Confirmands also came up as witnesses of the Baptism. Together, with the parents and sponsors of Emma James, the Confirmands expressed their desire to reaffirm their Baptism and with the congregation professed their faith in Christ.
Messiah’s Newest Confirmed Members are:
- Alex Almanza
- Jonathan Byers
- Jacob Huwaldt
- Courtney Kane
- Rebecca Meyer
- Amanda Peterson
- Madeline Sutko
- Meghan Thompson
- Ryan West
Following the Service of Worship, a reception was held in the Parish Hall where the Confirmands were presented with their certificates.
Confirmation Program
Confirmation at Messiah is about faith formation, not simply faith information. The focus is on being the church, not teaching about the church. The program includes learning events, fellowship events, service events, and worship events. The Confirmation program is suggested for eighth and ninth grade students, though older students desiring to be confirmed are welcomed. If you are interested in Confirmation classes for yourself or your child, please talk to Pastor Peterson or call the Church Office at 721-0041. Confirmation Classes will resume in August and are usually held on Wednesday evenings from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Here are some additional pictures from Sunday, May 20 to enjoy! Additional photos will be shared via the June Messiah Messenger digital newsletter.