This Year’s Vacation Bible School was titled, “Renew: The Green VBS” and was conducted July 11-15 at Messiah Lutheran Church.
Grounded in Jesus’ Parable of the Sower, ReNew: The Green VBS brings together the Bible and environmental stewardship. From tiny towns to huge cities, kids grow in faith as they play, learn, sing, and work toward renewing their congregations and communities. By serving in the community and inviting the community into church, kids demonstrate that being green can be easy, faithful, and fun. Although current threats to our environment can seem scary, ReNew is about hope, opportunity, and service. Kids and congregations lead the way as stewards of the earth.
What happens when heads, hearts, and hands are in harmony? Kids grow in faith, have fun, and change the world. And did the kids have fun and learn a lot? You Betcha! Just look at the smiles on their faces and you can tell just how much fun it was.
Many thanks to all of the staff and volunteers who put so much of themselves into making this year’s VBS such a success.
Here is a short video about what Renew: The Green VBS is all about.