… is everything we do after we say, “I believe.”
When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior we know that everything we have and everything we are comes from God. Therefore, stewardship is our response to all the gifts that we have already received–ourselves, our family, our vocation, our talents, our past and our future.
God has given each Christian two vitally important gifts.
- The first is the gift of faith in Jesus Christ, his work of redemption, and thus forgiveness of sin.
- The second is the gift of one or more special abilities, which are to be used for the purpose of unifying the body of Christ and for the growth of God’s Kingdom. These abilities are called spiritual gifts and they are received through our baptism.
Like other presents, it is impossible to fully appreciate and make use of our spiritual gifts until they have been opened.
Wonder what your spiritual gifts are? Here’s a great way to find out!
Summer 2017 “Discovering God’s Purposes for You” Form – Return by August 6th!
Complete the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America “Spiritual Gifts Inventory online assessment.” This helpful tool connects spiritual gifts to scriptural references, help you identify your gifts through a series of questions, and when completed, offer suggested ways you can be most effective in sharing those gifts!
May the special abilities God has given you be deployed in areas of ministry where they will be most effective for the good of the entire church body. These gifts should also be affirmed by the body and utilized by the one who is gifted.
To learn more about putting your Spiritual Gifts to use at Messiah speak with Pastor Scott, Claire Strand, Lois Graff or Heather Neely.