Two Summer Sunday Schools set to start this Sunday.
The “Great Cereal Serial” All Ages Sunday School Starts June 14th and runs through July 26th.

The Great Cereal “Serial” Summer Sunday School starts June 14th.
Adults and children are encouraged to meet in the Parish Hall for “The Great Cereal Serial” Summer Sunday School program starting this coming Sunday, June 14th, at 9:45 AM. The concept, which was hatched by MLC Youth Director, Kert Reedstrom, and MLC Office Manager, Cheryl Byers, will be a fun and informative, cross-generational discovery of how our “breakfast cereals” can open our eyes to learning more about God’s word for our daily lives. The “Cereal of the Day” will be served as a small treat. The dates of the class are: June 14th, 21st & 28th and July 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th.
Class on Lutheran Theology
Adult Summer Sunday School Class to Focus on Lutheran Theology
2015 Summer Sunday School Class to Focus on
Lutheran Beliefs. June 14th – July 26th
Pastor Scott Peterson will be leading a 7-week adult class “What Lutheran’s Believe” from 9:45 to 10:45 in Room 11-12. This class explores the Lutheran understanding of God’s Word, the Commandments, the Creed, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. This class is especially geared for those who are new to the Lutheran church or are curious what Lutheran’s believe.