Why are we asking people to wear surgical masks during indoor worship?
Short Answer: So, we can safely sing in worship.
MLC Council and Covid Task Force decided to allow singing in worship only after reviewing a study done by professors at MIT. https://indoor-covid-safety.herokuapp.com/
Dr. Rhonda Gaede, Chair of the Task Force, communicated with these professors and used their tools to calculate what could safely be done in our worship space. After discussing that study’s conclusions, the Task Force and Council agreed it would be safe to allow singing in worship If those attending wore disposable surgical masks.
SPECIFICS: UK Variant, Singing, Mask/Fit Compliance 95 %
- Surgical masks 100 people for 65 minutes
- Multiple layer cotton/silk 100 people for 20 minutes
- Cotton/flannel 100 people for 11 minutes
- No mask 100 people for 5 minutes
500 adult and 150 children’s disposable surgical masks were ordered at a cost of 17 cents each. They will be given to worshipers entering the building this Sunday at 11:00 a.m.
That is WHY we are asking you to wear a surgical mask:
So, we can safely sing.
Covid vaccination percentages for Madison County 5/21/21
ALL ages: 34% AGE 18+: 43% AGE 65+: 76%
(If you have not been vaccinated, Pastor Scott encourages it for everyone’s safety.)