“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
We are a branch on the vine of Christ. Everything that we accomplish is through Christ, so it makes sense that being centered on Christ in all aspects of our lives would “produce” the best fruit. He enables and strengthens us, and from Him we are given resources of time, talent, and treasure.
This year, Commitment Sunday is on October 1st. This is when we receive estimates of financial giving to MLC for 2018 through the pledge cards that congregation members (yes, that’s you) fill out and put into the offering on Sunday October 1st. This is a chance to give back a portion of the financial “produce” of your life that has been made possible through Christ, which in turn allows Messiah Lutheran to pass on these blessings to others.
As we approach Commitment Sunday, a series of Temple talks will be given Sunday morning on the variety of ways we, as branches, bear fruit and be nourished in faith and service at Messiah Lutheran Church. You’ll find those links below.
Whatever you choose to give, I hope that giving will be a joy for you as it has been for me.
Yours in Christ,
Heather Neely
Sep 17, 2017 – “Gifts of Time, Talent & Service” Taylor Burton
Sep 24, 2017 – “Tools of the Trade” Theresa Meyer (coming soon)