On Saturday, the Messiah Carpentry team constructed another wheelchair ramp for a gentleman in Huntsville. Despite a chilly morning, the ramp was constructed in a record time of just two hours on the work site. So this record begs the question, Why was the ramp constructed so quickly? Was it because everyone wanted to get out of the chilly air? Maybe. Was it because we didn’t have to make a single trip to the hardware store? Maybe. Was it because we we had 11 carpenters show up for this build? Maybe. Was it because Joe Stuart fed us an awesome breakfast of Sweet Potato Pancakes and Hot Sausage? Probably not, but that didn’t hurt and it sure got everyone energized. The real answer is that after building several other wheelchair ramps, we have generally figured out how to get the job done without a lot of wasted energy.
These wheelchair ramps are built in support of CASA of Madison County which provides them free of charge to aged and homebound people. The Messiah Carpentry Team is led by Owen Wasmoen. If you would like to participate in a future wheelchair ramp build, please contact him for additional information.