The Wheelchair Ramp Team of Messiah Lutheran Church had another successful (but rainy) ramp building day today. This ongoing ministry of Messiah Lutheran Church is conducted in partnership with CASA of Madison County to build fully functional and safe ramps for those in need.
One of the best parts of the ramp building ministry, besides sharing our time and talents with the community, is the fellowship we share. We always meet for breakfast before heading out for a build. Today was no exception. We met at Shaggy’s in Huntsville to nourish our bodies and spirits before heading out.
The materials for these ramps are provided by CASA which stands for Care Assurance System for the Aging and Homebound. CASA is a non-profit agency located in Huntsville, Alabama that provides services to individuals age 60 and older and to the homebound (wheelchair and bed bound) of all ages since 1979. CASA’s mission is to provide needed services to aging/homebound individuals that allow them to remain at home and age in place. Our programs are designed to enable the elderly and homebound to maintain their independence, dignity, health and safety by providing services that specifically address their special physical and emotional needs.
This first piece of the ramp that interfaces with the house is always the toughest part of the job. Luckily, our crack crew of craftsmen have a lot of experience and got the job done with a minimum of consternation.
As the first piece crew was working on the porch, the rest of the crew began assembling and laying out the rest of the ramp. This ramp was a total of 26 feet long and included 6 separate ramp sections, 60 ground stakes, 64 2x4s and plenty of screws.
The entire crew consists of seasoned veterans at this point. We have now constructed 27 ramps. Even the youngest members of the team are capable of leading the build.
After the first piece of the ramp is in place, the rest of the ramp build becomes an assembly line process. Every member of the team has a specialty and quickly performs their part of the task. Soon the last board was in place and the cleanup process began.
In short order, the project was complete and we were ready to take a group photo. Our client and neighbor was very happy with the results of our labor. And we were very happy because we provided one more of our neighbors with a safe means to enter and exit their home.
The Messiah Lutheran Church ramp team is one of the many teams in the greater Huntsville area that support CASA by providing teams to assemble the ramps at the client’s homes. If you would like to participate in a future wheelchair ramp build, please contact the Messiah Lutheran Church Office at 256-721-0041.
Here are some additional photos from today’s build.