(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

Wheelchair Ramp Final (10 Oct 2015) LoRes

Messiah Lutheran Church in Madison, Alabama in cooperation with CASA of Madison County built another wheelchair ramp today. This one was built in Madison County, Alabama.

Wheelchair 1
 Wheelchair 2
Messiah Lutheran Church builds these ramps in partnership with CASA of Madison County. CASA (Care Assurance System for the Aging and Homebound) is a non-profit agency located in Huntsville, Alabama that provides services to individuals age 60 and older and to the homebound (wheelchair and bed bound) of all ages.CASA’s mission is to provide needed services to aging/homebound individuals that allow them to remain at home and age in place. Our programs are designed to enable the elderly and homebound to maintain their independence, dignity, health and safety by providing services that specifically address their special physical and emotional needs.
 Wheelchair 3


If you would like to participate in a future wheelchair ramp build, please contact the Messiah Lutheran Church Office at 256-721-0041.

Click here for some additional photos of today’s build.

Wheelchair Ramp Build, October 10, 2015