(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

Walk To Defeat ALS 2010

On Saturday, August 28th, Team Messiah participated in the Walk to Defeat ALS.  Often referred to as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to...

Dinner Theater 2010 – Beatles Review

Question: What do you get when you mix Asian food with British Music? Answer: A great meal and awesome entertainment. On Saturday, Messiah Lutheran Church conducted it’s annual Dinner Theater.  A great Asian themed meal was prepared by Songae Wasmoen, Jill...
Kit Ministers Pack Boxes With Love

Kit Ministers Pack Boxes With Love

The Kit Ministers of Messiah Lutheran Church continue to prepare kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR).  Last year Messiah supported Lutheran World Relief with 970 Layette Kits, School Kits, and Health Kits.  This year the Kit Ministers have set their goal...

Baobab Blast – Vacation Bible School

Last week 43 children from Messiah Lutheran Church and other area churches participated in Baobab Blast a vacation bible school experience.  At Baobab Blast, the kids received a message of God’s unconditional love. They participated in activities to help them...
Mission Trip to Lutheran Church in Guatemala

Mission Trip to Lutheran Church in Guatemala

Editors Note: The following Story and photographs were submitted by Bill Emerson, one of the missionaries on the recent trip to Guatemala. Between 18 and 26 June 2010 four members of the SE Synod visited Iglesia Luterana Agustina de Guatemala (ILAG). These were Bill...
Stephen Ministries

Stephen Ministries

The PBS “Religion and Ethics” news show recently aired an eight-minute feature about Stephen Ministry. You can watch online on the PBS web site: www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/tag/stephen-ministry …just click on the April 9, 2010 “Stephen...