Messiah Lutheran Church History
April 23, 1989. The first service of worship of Messiah Lutheran Church was celebrated in the auditorium of a local union hall. Much preparation led up to this first service. In the mid-1980s, the Division for Outreach of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) recognized Madison as an excellent mission field for planting a new church. A Mission Director identified Highway 72 W near Hughes Road as a highly visible location for a Lutheran Church. In the fall of 1988, Pastor Scott Peterson accepted the call to move from Minnesota in order to develop the new congregation. After almost six months of meeting people, holding interest meetings, and extending invitations to the unchurched that first service had 115 people in attendance.
May 20, 1990, Messiah Lutheran formally organized and was welcomed into the ELCA with 159 charter members. The next few years were dedicated to growth. Growth occurred not only in numbers but also in faith and in programs offered to meet the needs of members and the community.
February 14, 1993, Messiah Lutheran broke ground on our current church home. Largely through the labors of members, the building was completed and provided a home for its ministries. The service of dedication was on March 13, 1994.
In early 2005 we completed a new education wing that provided 5 additional, and much needed, classrooms plus a larger youth room.
In the spring of 2006, we dedicated a new Parish Hall that includes an area for congregation meals, a larger kitchen and food serving area, an elevated stage for presentations, and an audio room.
In 2012 we dedicated a new expanded Sanctuary to provide 50% more seating for the congregation and in the Chancel more room for choirs, handbells, pipe organ, and contemporary band, and instrumental ensemble.
On Nov 10, 2013, the first concert of the Music at Messiah Classical Concert Series took place.
On October 26, 2014, Messiah’s pipe organ was dedicated.
On May 24, 2015, Messiah Celebrated its 25th Anniversary.
On June 6, 2018, the Steinway Concert Grand piano was dedicated.
Following the Sunday Services of Worship on March 15, 2020, all in-person Services of Worship at Messiah Lutheran Church were suspended because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first pre-recorded online service was on March 18, 2020.
On May 3, 2020, Messiah Lutheran Church held its first-ever online Annual Congregation Meeting with an estimated 130 members in attendance via the Zoom conferencing application.
May 20, 2020, Messiah Lutheran Church observed its 30th Anniversary. Members were encouraged to make and bring cardboard “selfies” to the front porch of MLC to be taken in and placed in pews for the filming of the Sunday, May 24th Online Service of Worship. Also on this day, Pastor Scott Peterson led his first Wednesday class via the Zoom application.
January 9, 2022, Pastor Scott Peterson’s last Sunday at MLC. Pastor Peterson resigned his pastoral call to MLC in early December of 2021 to take an interim call in Georgia and to be closer to grandchildren in advance of his eventual retirement.
February 1, 2022 Pastor Diana Bottin installed as Interim Pastor at MLC. During Pastor Bottin’s time at Messiah she guided the congregration though much of its call process is outlined by the ELCA. Her last Sunday at MLC was December 25, 2022. The “Christmas Comfy” service was one of many “firsts” at MLC with Pastor Diana.
December 31, 2022 Lois Graff ended her 33+ years of accompanying worship and serving as MLC’s Music Director. During the January 9, 2023 Celebration of her Service, she was proclaimed “Director Emeritus of Music Ministries of Messiah Lutheran Church” by the Congregation Council.
January 29, 2023 Pastor Kris Schroeder called to be MLC’s pastor by the MLC Congregation at a special meeting. She begins her leadership of MLC on April 1, 2023. Pastor Kris was installed on April 30, 2023.