(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

Indoor 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday Services Resume June 20th.

Messiah Lutheran Church will transition back to its regular Services of Worship times on June 20th at the 8:30 a.m. Service of Worship in MLC’s Sanctuary. That Sunday will also see the return of Contemporary Worship at MLC at it’s 11:00 a.m. Service. Currently, all persons attending indoor worship over the age of two will be given a disposable surgical mask to wear during the service. This is so that those attending may safely sing hymns, liturgy, and responsive readings regardless of their vaccination status.

Why Masks? Read here!

Current Safeguards For Indoor Worship at MLC

MLC Council is taking a cautious approach as we resume indoor worship.  We anticipate soon taking additional steps to further open up worship at MLC.  Please check back on our website at www.mlutheran.org and read your MLC E-News for updates and changes to this schedule.


8:30 a.m.   Service of Worship (Outdoor / Indoor) 
June 6    –  Bread of Life   (Outdoor, weather permitting)
June 13  –  LBW Setting 2 w/LS   (Outdoor, weather permitting) 
June 20  –  WOV Service of Word/Prayer    (Indoor)
June 27  –  Now the Feast w/LS Now the Feast w/LS (Indoor)

11:00 a.m. Indoor and  Live-streamed* Service of Worship 
June 6   –   Bread of LIfe
June 13  –  LBW Setting 2 w/LS
June 20  –  Contemporary Service 
June 27  –  Now the Feast w/LS Now the Feast w/LS

*Live-streamed Services of Worshp are currently planned to go live here on mlutheran. org /YouTube at 11:00 a.m. Any changes to the live-stream schedule will be announced via MLC e-news.