(256) 721-0041 info@mlutheran.org

Kit Ministry Project Page

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Messiah Kit Ministry

Meets:  Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Coordinators: Rhonda Gaede/Diane Davis

What is Kit Ministry?

Kit Ministry is group of volunteers that a ssemble baby care, personal care and school kits using purchased and donated items.

The kits  are shipped to Lutheran World Relief to be distributed to persons in need in countries outside of the US that are served by Lutheran World Relief.

Kit Ministry Donation List

You can hep Kit Ministry by helping purchase the items that are used for these kits.   The items are posted every Sunday in the bulletin and also in the weekly  E-Messengers.   Please consult with the Kit Ministry coordinators before purchasing bulk supplies.   Purchases may be reimbursable or recorded as a gift-in-kind. For this, receipts must be attached and the form must be signed by Outreach Representative.

LWR Kit & Quilt Recap for 2022

Comforters and Kit Ministry Teams Send 2.6 Tons of Aid Items to LWR! It was once again a stellar year for MLC's Comforters and Kit Ministry teams. On Sunday, August 28, 2022 a total of 5,247.8 pounds of relief good were loaded into a trailer by many hands of all ages....

Tons of Gratitude Sunday and Visit by Bishop Strickland

"Tons of Gratitude Sunday" celebrated August, 22, 2021 Every August, MLC celebrates an annual “Blessing and Sending of Kits and Quilts.” That is because over the span of the previous year, two Messiah Lutheran Church groups, the Comforters and Kit Ministry Team, work...

Quilt and Kit Blessing – Sunday, Nov 1, 2020

On Sunday, November 1st, Messiah Lutheran Church blessed into God's service the quilts and kits made by MLC's Comforters and Kit Ministry ministry groups. This year the blessing, and related temple talks were part of both the pre-recorded online service and the...


“JAM PACK JUMBO” SCHOOL SUPPLY  DRIVE THIS SATURDAY, AUG 2 Stores are stocked with school supplies. Our kit ministry and our local schools are need them! Saturday from 10-noon, Messiah will be hosting a “no contact” drive-thru school supply drive in our parking...

Record 5020 Pounds of Kits and Quilts Head to LWR

5020 lbs of Kits and Quilts Shipped!26 AUGUST, 2018 In support of Lutheran World Relief Fact: Did you know it takes just 15 minutes for Lutherans to load 5020 lbs of Quilts, Layettes & Kits in a truck?That's right, and exactly what happened following the 8:30 am....