Kit Ministry Project Page
Messiah Kit Ministry
Meets: Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Coordinators: Rhonda Gaede/Diane Davis
What is Kit Ministry?
Kit Ministry is group of volunteers that a ssemble baby care, personal care and school kits using purchased and donated items.
The kits are shipped to Lutheran World Relief to be distributed to persons in need in countries outside of the US that are served by Lutheran World Relief.
Kit Ministry Donation List
You can hep Kit Ministry by helping purchase the items that are used for these kits. The items are posted every Sunday in the bulletin and also in the weekly E-Messengers. Please consult with the Kit Ministry coordinators before purchasing bulk supplies. Purchases may be reimbursable or recorded as a gift-in-kind. For this, receipts must be attached and the form must be signed by Outreach Representative.